Nonprofit Connect supports the advocacy rights of nonprofits, and believes they can and should participate in public policy dialogue that affects their organization, community, and the people they serve. We build the capacity of the nonprofit sector in Kansas City to engage in legislative and electoral activities, as well as promote the good works of nonprofits through public outreach.
Policy Alerts
Nonprofit Connect policy alerts educate and inform our members about policy matters that impact nonprofits locally and nationally.
Trending Policy Topics
Census 2020 and Its Impact on Nonprofits
- Count Me in KC: Resources for Local Organizations (Regional Complete Count Committee)
- 2020 Census Resources (Kansas City Public Library)
- Outreach Materials for Community Partners (U.S. Census Bureau)
- U.S. Census 2020: Why It Matters to Nonprofits (National Council of Nonprofits)
- June 28, 2019 - Policy Update: Ruling on Citizenship Question for 2020 Census (Nonprofit Connect)
Tax Reform and Its Impact on Nonprofits
Advocacy Resources
Advocacy Guidelines for 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organizations
An easy guide compiled by Nonprofit Connect.
Alliance for Justice
A comprehensive resource on state and federal laws that impact nonprofit advocacy.
Bolder Advocacy
An initiative of the Alliance for Justice that promotes active engagement in democratic processes and gives nonprofits the confidence to advocate effectively.
Everyday Advocacy for Nonprofits
A list of compiled tools and resources created by The National Council of Nonprofits to support nonprofit advocacy work and why it matters.
Stand for Your Mission
A campaign to challenge all nonprofit leaders, including board members, to stand up for their organization's mission.
Why Nonprofits Should Participate in Public Policy
A summary from the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits.
How to Contact Elected Officials
These instructions from the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits include tips for meeting with legislators, making phone calls and writing letters.
How to Create a Fact Sheet
Fact sheets introduce you and your issue in a format useful for busy people, like legislators. Learn how to create a Fact Sheet for advocacy purposes from the Colorado Nonprofit Association.
Center on Budget & Policy Priorities
A nonpartisan research and policy institute covering a wide range of government policies and programs, with an emphasis on those affecting low-and moderate-income people.
Contact Your Elected Officials
National Council of Nonprofits

Nonprofit Connect is a Nonprofit Ally Member of the National Council of Nonprofits, the nation's largest network of nonprofit organizations. Through the National Council of Nonprofits, Nonprofit Connect members have access to information, updates and expertise on public policy that affects the nonprofit sector.
National Council of Nonprofits 2022 Public Policy Agenda
Nonprofit Connect is pleased to provide access to the following valuable resources developed by the National Council of Nonprofits.