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"Nonprofit Connect helps us connect with our peers, educate our staff, keep up on new trends and recognize our sponsors and volunteers."

Micheal Lawrence
CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Kansas City

Nonprofit Membership

When your nonprofit joins Nonprofit Connect, you are immediately connected to a network of over 6,000 professionals from over 700 organizations representing local, regional and national nonprofits of all sizes, as well as businesses and funders.

Nonprofit Connect draws upon this expansive membership base to develop the best programs and services for your nonprofit. These member benefits help your organization save time and money, allowing you to focus on your mission.

Best of all, membership benefits extend to your entire staff and board of directors.

List of Benefits

Benefits of a Nonprofit Membership extend to your organization's entire staff and board of directors.

Find Funding Icon - Nonprofit Membership

Find funding.

Subscription to GrantStation

Subscription to the Access Philanthropy Database

Access to FoundationLink Grant Deadline Calendar, emailed monthly

Learning Icon - Nonprofit Membership

Learn best practices.

Many programs and webinars are free for members

Discounted registration for select programs and webinars

Access to exclusive content in our eLearning Center

Access to online resource library

Job Training Icon - Nonprofit Membership

Build a great team.

50% discount on JobLink and InternLink

Free postings on BoardLink and VolunteerLink

Discounts on custom training and consulting


Advertise and Promotion Icon - Membership

Tell your story.

Public profile in our Member Directory

Unlimited submissions to Member NewsCommunity Events Calendar and Nonprofit Marketplace

Opportunity to present programs

Promotion and sponsorship opportunities

Save Money Icon - Nonprofit Membership

Save time and money.

Take advantage of Members-Only Offers, including free and discounted services

Access to Nonprofit Marketplace for community resources

Mailing List Icon - Membership

Stay up to date.

Public policy updates in partnership with the National Council of Nonprofits

Receive The Link weekly e-newsletter with local and national nonprofit updates

 Nonprofit Membership Dues Schedule

Membership is based on your organization's prior fiscal year income. Please refer to line 12 of the most current 990, line 9 of the 990EZ, or Assets line 16(b) of the 990-PF.

Membership runs for 12 months from when your organization's dues are first received.

 Prior Fiscal Year Income/Assets  Annual Membership Dues
 $0 - $49,999  $175
 $50,000 - $249,999  $250
 $250,000 - $499,999  $325
 $500,000 - $999,999  $425
 $1,000,000 - $4,999,999  $550
 $5,000,000 - $9,999,999  $800
 above $10 million  $1,050


A Smart Investment

Nonprofit membership starts at just $175 per year, an investment that you immediately earn back in benefits and cost savings


To learn how a Nonprofit Connect membership can help your organization achieve its mission, contact us at or 816-888-5600.